Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leadership: Lead by example, is it good enough?

It is a very common saying that leaders lead by example. But is it really true in today's world? You are leading a team, doing the right things (of course which you think are right), you are trying to set the example, walk the talk. But will that be good enough? Will people learn or follow any leader because he is leading by example?

If people starts following a leader, does it really helps to have more leaders or have good team? Are we following too much?

Take the example of our education system ( I know this is something that does not seems to be related to leadership, but hang in there for few more lines). All around our education system, someone decides our syllabus, decides the text books, exam schedule, number of lectures, labs etc etc etc. We are students and we follow the defined system and if we do it right, with few other ingredients you come out to be a successful student at the end of your eduction.

You join a company, you will find few good leaders in every organization (they might have different leadership style, then what you presume but yes there are leaders in every organization). They are setting good examples, and you start following them? But when and how do leaders makes good leaders? Will a good follower will be a good leader?

Please don't misunderstand this, I am not saying don't follow a leader, please do. But I think for today's generation you not only need to lead by example, but you also need to enable them to think. You need to make them understand and train them for the process of "Thinking"

You not only set the example, but provide them a platform where they can try to set some of the new examples, keep them in your shoes, teach them your job, give them the situation you face and let them think, how to solve it.

Unless you enable and empower your team to "Think" of course in a creative way, and not just make the follow and you keeping on leading them by example, I personally believe that them teams might not grow.

Leadership is not only to set examples and walk the talk, but also to enable the team and empower the team to "Think" give them the platform, make them think, make them realize the growth they need to attain and become future leaders.

Rahul V Shah

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Strees: Good or Bad?

I know, most of you might think what is good about stress? It is always bad. People made millions of dollars by publishing books, training, videos and of course medicines to teach you how to avoid stress or manage stress, so what is good about it?

Well, hang in there. Did you ever faced any scenario where you got hurt but you really didn't felt the pain? Have you ever been in an accident (of course minor one, that's why you are still reading this blog) where you got injured, when you got hurt, you really didn't felt the pain and the pain came much later?

There is a theory which I personally believe, that all the living creatures (including us and animals) have an emergency system. People do heroic task when it comes to survival, I had a fare share of small incident on the same line. During one of the festive season, one of the neighbouring house was on fire. The house on fire was closed, somehow I picked up a LPG cylinder, went upstairs and broke the door of the house, we pored water all around the fire and got it under control. Then someone asked my, why did you thought of taking the LPG cylinder and break the door, I had no idea :-o

One of my father close friend was working in a bank (Mr. Kaba), there was bank robbery. My dad's friend ran behind the robbers and got hold of them and got a award at National level for his bravery. Unfortunately during his chase, he got hit by a bullet on his chest but he had no idea about it, during the chase. He realized it much later that he got hit by a bullet.

The theory is, when you are under stress the body's emergency system kicks in. It re-distributes the energy to the vital parts which will help for survial and hence there is a transfer of energy. Parts like digestion system and few othere automatically shuts down (that's why your mouth gets dry at times when you are in stress). This transfer of energy kicks in automatically under stress which is inbuilt system for your survival.

Fortunately this is still same in animals, but humans with a good imaginative mind are now able to simulate the stress :-)

How many times you have got stressed just by thinking about something. It might be your work, or any fight or finance or anything at all. What really happens is that we start paintaining a picture in our mind which takes us towards the scenario that "we are in trouble" which is another way of telling us that "our survival is under threat". that it.... it does the trick and the transfer of energy starts in your system. Vital elements starts operating and the energy transfer start's few people might have impace on the digestive system or the reproductive system as the energies are taken out of those units and transfered to vital parts, like your heart and mind. Suddenly heart beat increases, mind becomes more active, sleep disappers etc etc.

Guess what, we succesfully converted something which WAS GOOD for us (Stress for survival) to something which we think is BAD (in form of imaginative surivial threat).


Rahul V Shah

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Remember the day when you started working or doing some activity with your heart in it, you got so involved in that and you gave it your best. At the end of it you create something which makes you satisfied. You are happy with a smile on your face, felt like you accomplished something.

Then suddenly something strange happened for the first time, someone you know looks at what you did and say "Great job man!!!", "Wow !!! too good.", "awesome", "wow this looks so good, how did you do it?", "Great idea", "Great initiative", "Good work"........

Suddenly out of the blue you feel very happy, your sense of accomplishment suddenly increased and you feel more satisfied or rather "felt appreciated"

The aura remains for couple of days, you make some new friends and life keeps on moving. One fine day you thought of doing something else again, kept your heart in it, gave it your best and came out with amazing results. Guess what, you will again get appreciated and you will feel great about it. BUT this time it was a little bit different then the earlier experience, the second time you might think, "let me know what others think about it".

Soon the event continues and you start giving your best in everything you do. Then one fine day you again make something, really really good (as per you) then the earlier two events and you feel happy and satisfied, BUT this time what if, just whaaat if "no one appreciates you?" everyone is so busy in something or the other that some of them might not even notice or comment on it. You try to show them your work, but no response...........

What do you feel? Do you feel demotivated? Do you feel unappreciated? Do you feel low? Please be true to yourself, what do you feel inside you?

Do you feel that their is no appreciation for you? Many of us do, but why? How does this transformation happens from doing something for your own satisfaction, giving 100% to something and being happy about it TO expecting someone to appreciate it?

What is appreciation? Is it a part of social belonging? Is it a fuel to our internal engine which makes us work without which we cannot perform? Does it makes you satisfied if someone says it? What is it? Is it so important that even if you have great talent (like a fancy car) all of it is useless in driving you (like the fancy car without petrol)?

I am not saying don't appreciate. Please, with all means do it, do genuinely appreciate people. But is that we cannot work without it? Is it that our performance, our happiness, satisfaction etc etc are driven by it? Of course many of us might say NO it does not, then do you feel low if you did something really good and presented and no one appreciated?


Rahul V Shah